My name is Tymek. I'm 14 years old. I'm in a 7B grade. I attend Primary School no. 21 in Rzeszów.
Sport is the best word that describes me. My passion is cycling and I could cycle every day.
Riding a bike is a great opportunity to meet with my friends and practise new tricks. Physical activity is so important to me that I also devote my time to dancing. I used to win many competitions and I have quite a big collection of trophies which I am proud of . I have been dancing since I was four. I still remember the moment when I was dancing with my mum to a very popular song for that time "PĘDZĄ KONIE PO BETONIE". :)
I'm a person who learns new things pretty quickly but I'm unfortunately lazy (very lazy). However
I have some positive sights. I'm very helpful which my form mistress can confirm :). I hope that one day I will win a ballroom championship.
That's all me.